Clean Elections Minnesota has hosted a variety of educational webinars covering a span of issues that are critical to our democracy. Scroll below to watch past webinars.
Limiting the Power of Super Pacs
Is Disinformation Undermining Democracy?
How Public Match Programs Help Return Power to the People
How Will Artificial Intelligence Change U.S. Campaigns and Elections with Dr. Darrell West
Restore the Vote: Putting the New Law Into Action With Secretary of State Steve Simon and Senate President Bobby Joe Champion
Is the Electoral College Outdated? A Discussion on a National Popular Vote
Defending Our Democracy: Fighting Against Voter Supression With Keesha Gaskins-Nathan
Protecting Our Vote: A Conversation about Protecting Voting Rights With Senator Amy Klobuchar and Secretary of State Steve Simon
Will Your Vote Count in 2020? – A Conversation About Redistricting With Lori Sturdevant and Peter Wattson
How American Democracy was Hijacked and What We Can Do About It With David Litt
Preserving and Protecting Democracy With Representative Emma Greenman and Senator Jim Carlson
Democracy In Chains: A Conversation with Professor Nancy MacLean