Sign the Petition

Help keep Minnesota's elections clean & Accessible

Your vote is your voice and every voice should be heard. Whether your issue is reproductive rights, education, inflation, climate change, reducing gun violence or making housing more affordable, you need to be able to vote to build power to make change.

Sign the petition to keep Minnesota's elections clean, transparent, and accessible by all.

Our Work

Protecting Our Democracy

Clean elections are fair, transparent, secure, and accessible with a trusted outcome that reflects the will of informed voters.

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Fighting Voter Suppression

In a clean election, eligible voters have easy access to vote and are not discouraged or blocked from voting by any rule or person.

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Keeping Big Money Out of politics

Clean elections do not  allow excessive spending by special interests to overwhelm the flow of information to the public.

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Recommended Reading

Minnesota’s Elections are clean and fair.

Minnesota is #1 in voter turnout and #2 in election administration integry. Changing our election rules or enacting supposed methods of preventing voter fraud (like Voter ID laws) are unecessary and would harm Minnesota voters.

We are dedicated to educating Minnesotans about ways to maintain and enhance the democratic power of ordinary citizens.