Redistricting Webinar with Peter Wattson and Lori Sturdevant

by | September 29, 2021 | Upcoming Events

On September 28, Peter Wattson explained redistricting–the process of drawing new political maps based on population changes determined by the 2020 census. Responding to questions posed by journalist and author Lori Sturdevant, Wattson clarified the importance of the process, sketched its checkered history in Minnesota, explained the political pressures that drive interested legislators to distort maps in the interest of themselves and favored constituents, and described a process that could eliminate legislators’ conflicting interests. The entire webinar is available on YouTube: Click here to watch. To study Peter’s Powerpoint slides click: MN Redistricting 2021-09-28 full-page color.

A handout is available here:”MN Redistricting 2021-09-28 B&W handout.

Redrawing maps to reflect population dynamics has elements of drama and intrigue. Check out Wattson and Sturdevant’s excellent show. And then contact your legislator to weigh in. (See below for details on participation.)

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