Action Alert and News Update 4/3/2024
Sign the Petition
Help keep Minnesota's elections clean & Accessible
Your vote is your voice and every voice should be heard. Whether your issue is reproductive rights, education, inflation, climate change, reducing gun violence or making housing more affordable, you need to be able to vote to build power to make change.
Sign the petition to keep Minnesota's elections clean, transparent, and accessible by all.
Keep Reading
Minnesota is making democracy work better by improving voting laws
A review of the state’s procedures, including what’s new this year. By Ken Peterson There’s no doubt, because of both new and old state laws, that in this November’s election Minnesotans will be closer than ever to living Ronald Reagan’s axiom that “the right to vote...
Action Alert and News Update 9/17/2024
We are dedicated to educating Minnesotans about ways to maintain and enhance the democratic power of ordinary citizens.