April 13: Conversation with author David Litt

by | March 5, 2021 | Upcoming Events

April 13, 7:00-8:00 pm CST: David Litt, Obama speechwriter and author most recently of Democracy in One Book or Less–How It Works, Why It Doesn’t, and Why Fixing It Is Easier Than You Think, was interviewed by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author, Dave Hage. In the interview, Litt responded in depth and wittily to questions about recent voter suppression bills, gerrymandering, the Electoral College, election financing, and other issues plaguing our imperfect democracy. If you missed it, or just want to review the conversation, a link to a recording appears below. Thanks to David Litt, Dave Hage, Connie Lewis and Ken Peterson who organized the event, all everyone who watched.

Listen to the conversation.

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Protecting Our Vote Webinar

To start 2022 right, Clean Elections MN sponsored, along with a host of co-hosts, a live Zoom and Facebook event,  "Protecting Our Vote" January 12. Special guests  Senator Amy Klobuchar and Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon responded to questions crafted from...

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We are dedicated to educating Minnesotans about ways to maintain and enhance the democratic power of ordinary citizens.