Aug 8 Weekly News Update: 57 Years of Voting Rights!

by | August 8, 2022 | News & Updates

Happy 57th anniversary this week to the Voting Rights Act! Celebrate by voting in Tuesday’s primary and encouraging friends and neighbors to do the same.

The update for the week of August 8 includes actions you can take; a report about August 3rd Senate Hearings on threats to election workers and the Electoral Count Act; a Twitter feed that summarizes an excellent book on the rise of autocracy in statehouses; the connection between the American right’s agenda and Victor Orbán‘s anti-democratic playbook; and a writer challenges us to be inspired by testifiers at the January 6th hearings and make a pledge to fight for our democracy. Don’t miss this video of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse connecting the dates of dark money, threats to election workers, and election denial. And find out why “It’s the Statehouses, Stupid!”

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