July Book Selection: His Name Is George Floyd

by | June 23, 2022 | Democracy Talks

The June session of the Democracy Talks book club took off from the May ’22 Westminster Town Hall Forum, “The Arc Toward Justice”–a discussion between journalists Michelle Norris of Yamiche Alcindor of what has changed (or not changed) in the two years since Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd at the intersection of 38th and Chicago. During the Town Hall, Michele Norris mentioned the newly published book, “His Name Is George Floyd.” Intrigued, we decided to read the book for the next session, which will take place at St. Joan of Arc (as usual) on the third Wednesday of July (as usual): July 20, 1:30-3:00. An easy way into the book is this discussion with the authors moderated by Norris.

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