by Clean Elections Minnesota | Aug 30, 2022 | Articles
Opinion by Ken Peterson Originally published in the Post Bulletin, August 27, 2022 08:00 AM Minnesota has a well-run and nearly fraud-proof system for voting. Those who say otherwise are either misinformed or creating mischief for their own purposes by intentionally...
by Clean Elections Minnesota | Aug 19, 2022 | Upcoming Events us on September 13th for a virtual conversation on voter suppression with Keesha Gaskins-Nathan. Register: As the Rockefeller Brothers Fund director for Democratic Practice US and the Racial Justice...
by Clean Elections Minnesota | Aug 11, 2022 | The Advocate
The Aug/Sept Advocate is here. Now that the primaries have wrapped up, it’s all about November’s mid-term elections. We have a conversation about voter suppression with Keesha Gaskins-Nathan, Democratic Practices Director of the Rockefeller Bros Fund,...