We Choose Us to build multiracial democracy

by | June 10, 2022 | Organizational News

More than 100 friends of democracy gathered on July 23 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Columbia Park for the launch of “We Choose Us,” a collaborative campaign mobilizing to build a multiracial democracy. Clean Elections Minnesota is part of this exciting new campaign along with Minnesota Voice, LWVMN, Fair Vote, Isaiah, the 100% Campaign, Barbershop Black Congregation, Cooperative of ISAIAHJewish Community Action, New Justice Project, and others! Speakers included We Choose Us organizers, MN reps Jamie Long and Emma Greenman, and state senators Erin Murphy and Lindsey Port. Follow We Choose Us on Twitter and Instagram as well as their website.

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Help keep Minnesota's elections clean & Accessible

Your vote is your voice and every voice should be heard. Whether your issue is reproductive rights, education, inflation, climate change, reducing gun violence or making housing more affordable, you need to be able to vote to build power to make change.

Sign the petition to keep Minnesota's elections clean, transparent, and accessible by all.

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CEM Legislative Team Guidelines

Guidelines for Clean Elections Legislative Team Become familiar with Legislature website. Separate guide will also be available. Start at the black border at the top of the website. Become familiar with the House State Government Finance and Elections committee and...

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We are dedicated to educating Minnesotans about ways to maintain and enhance the democratic power of ordinary citizens.