George Beck

Board Chair of Clean Elections Minnesota George Beck is a retired administrative law judge. He has also served as a board member and chair of the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board. George is active in recruiting new members and frequently...

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2018 Tax Day Rally Talk

I have a question today. My question is for the legislators who meet in our beautiful Capitol. My question is: “Whatever happened to “We the People?” Why do you fail to represent your constituents when it comes to money in politics?

We know that over 80% of Americans and Minnesotans, Republicans and Democrats alike, believe that the Citizens United decision abolishing contribution limits should be reversed.

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Tax Rally 2018: Read a transcript of George Beck’s speech

The Tax Day Rally, sponsored by Tax March MN, was originally scheduled to occur on Sunday, April 15 but was canceled because of the late winter storm. The rescheduled rally was held on June 30, 11 AM – 2 PM. In addition to Judge George Beck (Clean Elections Chair) speakers included Richard Painter, Ben Gubits (from American Promise), Angie Craig, Reverend Nancy Nord Bence (Protect MN), and representatives of March for Our Lives and Black Lives Matter.

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Promoting Democracy in Minneapolis

What if we could reduce the influence of big contributors, encourage more people to run for office, encourage candidates to look to the full electorate, increase the number of voters, encourage the media to follow all candidates, and give everyday people a bigger voice in Minneapolis elections. In short, create a more participatory and more representative democracy in our city.

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Model Resolution for Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United

You can help overcome the undue influence of special interests, Big Money, Dark Money, and corporate contributions on Minnesota elections by asking your City Council to adopt a resolution supporting a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United. For a model resolution, you can use the following text…

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Clean Elections MN meets monthly on the second Thursday. Our current meeting place is the church office at St. Joan of Arc Church, 4537 3rd Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN. at 1:00 p.m. An agenda is sent before the meeting to all on our e-mail list. Please join us! You may...

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Revolving Door: Not a Good Political Revolution

Several years ago a prominent DFL legislator with acknowledged tax expertise retired early, returning almost immediately to the capitol as a registered lobbyist for private interests. Earlier that year, a Republican representative left the MN House and was back within three weeks to lobby former colleagues. Such rapid exit and re-entry, with obvious potential for conflict of interest, is known in political parlance as the revolving door.

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Every ten years, after the census, the Minnesota legislature is responsible for drawing new legislative and congressional districts in our state. While redistricting might sound like a ministerial duty, it is anything but. As it stands, drawing new lines produces a partisan political battle as legislators seek to preserve their seats and help their political party dominate the legislature.

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Iowa Redistricting

Iowa’s redistricting plan (Iowa Code §§ 42.1 – 42.6) was first adopted in 1980 and has been successful in having a proposed plan adopted quickly by the legislature and in avoiding judicial review. The plan has firm deadlines for actions by all participants. The plan is similar to H.F. 246 submitted in 2017 in Minnesota in having an independent commission appointed by the legislative leadership, but it is different in a significant respect.

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