April 13, 7:00-8:00 pm CST: David Litt, Obama speechwriter and author most recently of Democracy in One Book or Less--How It Works, Why It Doesn't, and Why Fixing It Is Easier Than You Think, was interviewed by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author, Dave Hage....
Town Halls
FairVote Minnesota and Clean Elections MN launched a virtual Democracy Town Hall Series beginning on February 21 at 4 pm to explore solutions and provide opportunities for voters across Minnesota to hear from state leaders on critical issues including Ranked Choice...
G Beck testimony on HF 9
Testimony – House State Government committee – 1/28/21 – HF9 Chair Nelson, members, my name is George Beck. I am a retired administrative law judge, former Chair of the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board, and presently Chair of Clean Elections Minnesota, a non-partisan,...
George Beck testimony against SF 173
Voter ID and Provisional balloting – SF 173 - Testimony to Senate State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee on Jan. 27, 2021. Madam Chair, members, my name is George Beck. I am a retired administrative law judge, a former chair of the Minnesota...
HF 9 Summary
House File 9 - 2021-22 MN House session This is a large and comprehensive bill providing much improved election access, encouragement to small donors, and improved transparency of large contributions. The measure provides solutions to many of the problems with our...
Democracy Quiz #1: Oops! Not quite
The correct response was c) 82% of respondents agreed that all political contributions should be disclosed: No more “dark money” in Minnesota. See below for a summer of all responses to our questions on the SCSU survey. SCSU survey results: A nonpartisan road map for...
Democracy Quiz #1: Correct Response
Right! 82% of respondents to the SCSU survey question supporting full disclosure of political contributions: No more dark money in Minnesota. See below for information about all responses to Clean Elections MN questions SCSU response summary: A nonpartisan road map...
CEM Legislative Team Guidelines
Guidelines for Clean Elections Legislative Team Become familiar with Legislature website. Separate guide will also be available. Start at the black border at the top of the website. Become familiar with the House State Government Finance and Elections committee and...
2020-2021 Session of the Legislature
House Legislation HF 9: Election Reform. HF9 is a comprehensive bill incorporating many democratic election reforms supported by Clean Elections MN. Click here for a summary of the bill's provisions. Read CEM Chair George Beck's testimony at the first hearing before...
What Minnesotans Want from MnLeg
Clean Elections Chair George Beck's article in the Jan 4 2021 MinnPost outlines what Minnesotans want from the Legislature: an end to anonymous contributions (dark money), unlimited contributions, dominance by special interests, and gerrymandering. Minnesotans...
Review–Democracy in One Book
Our democracy is malleable — for worse and for better Former Obama speechwriter David Litt shows that our system of government is not preordained or unchanging — and indeed has been altered significantly in recent decades. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for The...
St Cloud State U 2020 Survey
SCSU 2020 survey results
January 4, 2021. The January 4 MinnPost includes an article by Clean Elections Chair George Beck's article about what Minnesotans want from the Legislature: an end to anonymous contributions (dark money), unlimited contributions, dominance by special interests, and...
Democracy in Chains Review
MEET THE ECONOMIST BEHIND THE ONE PERCENT’S STEALTH TAKEOVER OF AMERICA [Edited from a review of Democracy in Chains by Lynn Parramore, of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, May 13, 2018.] Nobel laureate James Buchanan is the intellectual linchpin of the...
Voter’s Choice Ballot Q&A
Ballot Q and A final (1)
Presidential Election Reform: 2020 and Beyond
How to elect a US President posed a unique challenge for the founders of a republic in the late 18th century. Their original proposal was soon altered by the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution. Since their, more than 700 proposals to change or eliminate it have...
Impact of Covid-19 on 2020 Convention and Election Planning
Notes on Democracy in Chains
Don’t Let Koch Money Destroy Our Country US elected officials, funded by the Koch brothers, are pledged to dismantle majority rule, civil rights, social services, and governmental agencies. Help stop them now, before they succeed! Regardless of your priorities...
Companions to Democracy in Chains
Nancy MacLean’s Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America, 2017. Companion resources See FB pageUnChainDemocracy.org for networking, slide show, etc. On Twitter follow seeshell. Request MN presentation on Democracy in...
Against Provisional Ballots
Against Provisional Balloting
Resolved: Independent Redistricting
Cybersecurity Event
Resolved: End “Dark Money”