us on September 13th for a virtual conversation on voter suppression with Keesha Gaskins-Nathan. Register: As the Rockefeller Brothers Fund director for Democratic Practice US and the Racial Justice...
Aug/Sept Advocate Now Available
The Aug/Sept Advocate is here. Now that the primaries have wrapped up, it's all about November's mid-term elections. We have a conversation about voter suppression with Keesha Gaskins-Nathan, Democratic Practices Director of the Rockefeller Bros Fund, coming up in...
Aug 8 Weekly News Update: 57 Years of Voting Rights!
Happy 57th anniversary this week to the Voting Rights Act! Celebrate by voting in Tuesday's primary and encouraging friends and neighbors to do the same. The update for the week of August 8 includes actions you can take; a report about August 3rd Senate Hearings on...
July Book Selection: His Name Is George Floyd
The June session of the Democracy Talks book club took off from the May '22 Westminster Town Hall Forum, "The Arc Toward Justice"--a discussion between journalists Michelle Norris of Yamiche Alcindor of what has changed (or not changed) in the two years since Derek...
We Choose Us to build multiracial democracy
More than 100 friends of democracy gathered on July 23 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm at Columbia Park for the launch of "We Choose Us," a collaborative campaign mobilizing to build a multiracial democracy. Clean Elections Minnesota is part of this exciting new campaign along...
Review: 100% Democracy
In a country that can't successfully require citizens to wear disease-preventing masks, get vaccinated against a deadly virus, or enact modest gun-safety laws, mandatory voting might seem a bridge too far--even if it leads to a better place. But the practice is...
SCOTUS at Age 234 – Time for an Ethical Tune-Up?
A few months shy of 234 years ago the US Constitution established one federal court, the Supreme Court of the United States.
Ukraine’s lessons about democracy
To be an American is not about place, race or heritage. It is about knowing that freedom and rights are God-given gifts that we dare not take for granted and that we must always fight to preserve and expand. It is to believe that all men and women are created equal,...
Protect election officials
Chair Nelson, members – Clean Elections Minnesota is a nonpartisan nonprofit that supports fair elections in our state. We support H. F. 3666, offered by Rep. Emma Greenman, that prohibits intimidation of and interference with election officials. The bill applies to...
The Advocate, February & March 2022
Mary Hartnett joins Clean Elections Minnesota as our first Executive Director, upcoming events, voting process changes
Mary Hartnett Becomes Clean Elections Minnesota’s Executive Director
Clean Elections Minnesota is very pleased to announce that Mary Hartnett will become our first Executive Director, effective February 14, 2022. With a strong background as a nonprofit executive, Mary brings a wealth of leadership experience to the position. She has...
2021 State Law Changes to Voting Processes
A recent letter to the Minneapolis Star Tribune questioned the need for Federal voting rights legislation. The system of electing presidents, in the writer’s view, has worked for more than two centuries; “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
Are We Doomed to Have Corrupt Leaders?
Nothing gives a political cynic more delight than repeating, with a world-weary sigh, a version of Lord Acton’s famous line, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Protecting Our Vote Webinar
To start 2022 right, Clean Elections MN sponsored, along with a host of co-hosts, a live Zoom and Facebook event, "Protecting Our Vote" January 12. Special guests Senator Amy Klobuchar and Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon responded to questions crafted from...
CEM Overview
Development - 2021 Overview & Strategic Plan 9 13 21 (1)
Thank you letter to election officials
Clean Elections Minnesota invites you to join the League of Women Voters of Minnesota in saying “Thank You” to our local election officials for standing on the front lines of our democracy. Together, state, county and city staff work with over 30,000 paid and...
Redistricting Webinar with Peter Wattson and Lori Sturdevant
On September 28, Peter Wattson explained redistricting--the process of drawing new political maps based on population changes determined by the 2020 census. Responding to questions posed by journalist and author Lori Sturdevant, Wattson clarified the importance of the...
George Beck testifies for HF2594
Chair George Beck's Testimony on HF 2594 – Few things are as important to democracy as a fair redistricting process as our sister state, Wisconsin, has illustrated. Wisconsin is one of the most gerrymandered states in our nation due to the manipulation of voting...
HR1 and HR 4
H.R. 1: For the People Act H.R. 1, the For the People Act, will make it easier to vote, take big money out of politics, and clean up corruption in government. Among its provisions, the legislation would expand access to voting: EXPANDS VOTER REGISTRATION We don’t have...
George Beck writes for LWVMN May newsletter
An essay about Clean Elections MN by George Beck appears in the May 2021 issue of the Minnesota League of Women Voters' "All Member News." Scroll down to find CEM Chair Beck's essay in the "Partner Spotlight." On the way there, you can stop to learn about Asian...
Nancy MacLean Zooms Again
Last Fall we hosted a fascinating conversation with Nancy MacLean, author of Democracy in Chains, a finalist for the National Book Award, about the decades-long campaign the well-financed radical right has conducted to subvert our democracy. On May 19th of this year...
“Big Election Spenders” – Part 1
Saturday, April 10, 10 a.m. CST. This event with Richard Painter was the first in a series of American Promise sponsored events on Big Election Spenders. More information will appear here as it becomes available. If you missed Richard Painter in real time, go here for...
“Money in Elections Matters”
May 4, 2021, Noon - 1 p.m. CST: Clean Elections Chair George Beck participated in a virtual event, a panel discussion of the influence of money in our politics. Also participating, Associate Professor Kathryn Pearson. The moderator was Ricardo Lopez of the Minnesota...
HR1 for MN
HR 1 - Minn.